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HHS hosts annual history day contest

As part of the National Day History theme, “ Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas”, Hubbard High School held their annual history day contest on January 26 and 27. There were over 150 exhibits based upon this theme as they did them for World History and the US History classes. All of the projects were graded by teachers Rich Perline, Tom King, Deb Wack and Ross Stoffer on Thursday before being judged by YSU graduate students on Friday. All of these students and many others are eligible for YSU’s History Day on Saturday April 1. They are working to advance to the state competition on April 22 at Ohio Wesleyan. The winners were as follows;

Individual Exhibits;

1 st place; Jackson Corbett, “Leif Erikson”

2 nd place; Alyssa Gregory, “Discovery of Jellystone”

3 rd place; Peter Koulianos, “The Space Race”

HM; Audrey Bray, “Lobotomy”

HM; Skylar Jordan, “Marla Tall Chief”

HM; Aubrey Harris, “Female Pharaohs”

Group Exhibits;

1 st place; Scout Nicholson, Addalyn Schultz, Kaylee Schultz, “The King of Rock”

2 nd place; Eli Barr, Bella Bonvessuto, “Tim Burton”

3 rd place; Emma Harley, Emily Flynn, Jordan Porter, “Apollo 11”

HM; Luke Wack, Jon Miller, “WWII Paratroopers”

HM; Michael Foster, Cody Hogue, “Radium Girls”

HM; Grace Frohman, Payton Busch, Nicole Allison, Maia Grey, “Sandra Day


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