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The window to pick up new open enrollment applications is March 16th - March 31st.

The window to return applications is March 17th – March 31st.

Doors will be open 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

To apply for open enrollment, the following documents will be requested. Please bring your own copies as we cannot make copies for you.

͟ a copy of the child's birth certificate - if the seal is not seen on the copy, bring the original for verification

͟ a copy of the child's immunization record

͟ a copy of the parent/guardian identification - valid driver's license or state ID

͟ a copy of child custody documents, if applicable

͟ a copy of documents proving residency - i.e. lease or mortgage statement with most current utility bills (other options are discussed as needed)

͟ a copy of the child's most recent report card for grades 1 through 11

o a copy of high school transcripts for those applying for grades 10 or 11

͟ a copy of additional paperwork if the child has any of the following as part of their education: an IEP with ETR (both documents); 504; WEP; LEP/ELL courses

No applications will be accepted for students entering 8th grade in 2020-2021 due to class size.

Hubbard does not accept applications for grade 12.


If your student is currently attending Hubbard through the open enrollment policy, you will receive a renewal application in early February. Please check your child’s backpack and call the administration office with any questions. If your student has a sibling not currently enrolled, and you wish to have him/her attend Hubbard, you will need to follow the initial application process as described above.

Thank you for your interest in Hubbard Schools!

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