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World history class video conference

Mrs. Wack’s Honors World History classes have been conducting in-depth studies on the First Amendment, with a focus on freedom of speech and of the press. At the end of the first semester, students researched various countries throughout the world where freedom of the press is not guaranteed and created an exhibit to honor members of the press who have been killed, imprisoned or injured due to reporting the news.

On Wednesday, March 20th students participated in a live web seminar with 9th grade US Government students at Radnor High School in Radnor, PA. Mr. Paul Wright’s students and Mrs. Wack’s students engaged in a discussion on the topic : When does the First Amendment allow the government to limit free speech?

The seminar was sponsored by the National Constitution center in Philadelphia, PA and was moderated live by Mike Maguire, an attorney in California. The conversation focused on free speech on college campuses, social media and criticism of public officials. Students actively engaged in the 20 minute discussion were Grace Basham, Nick VanSuch, Natalie Horvath, Elijah Chambers, Grace Narkum and Brynn Cook.

Mrs. Wack video conferencing the National Consitution center

Student in Mrs. Wack video conferencing with classroom in  Randor, Pennsylvania

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