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ES Principal

Welcome to the start of an exciting year.  We extend a warm greeting to all of our new students and parents and welcome back those who have been with us in the past.

The elementary school years are a particularly exciting time for students, staff, families, and the community.  Our school community strives to instill in each child the excitement that comes with learning, where the bar is set high and academics are aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Our teachers and staff are highly qualified and committed to serving all aspects of each student, academically, emotionally and physically.  The school prides itself in “Making Excellence a Tradition.” With the partnership of Home and School connection, we aim to have your children succeed in their academic endeavors.  Working together will be our common focus.   When decisions are made, they will be in the best interest of the children.

In addition to creating a welcoming environment for the students and their families the teachers will be teaching from the Ohio Common Core Learning Standards.  These standards incorporate skill specific lessons, utilize cutting-edge materials, and technology based assessments to monitor student progress.  These more rigorous standards are geared to college and career readiness and will be the driving focus in our classrooms.

I plan on working diligently with parents and the faculty to foster an atmosphere that promotes academic excellence, trust, respect and a true learning community.  I strongly agree with the educational theory that a strong home/school relationship is a key component to an effective school.  Your child is my top priority and I am honored to be working with the families, staff, and community of Hubbard to foster the education of our youth.

With Hubbard Pride,

Mr. Shawn Marcello


Hubbard Elementary

Phone: 330-534-1921 x4001

Picture of Shawn Marcello

Mr. Shawn Marcello


Hubbard Elementary

Phone: 330-534-1921 x4001


Notice of Nondiscrimination & Access to Equal Education

The Hubbard Exempted Village School District will not discriminate nor tolerate harassment in its educational programs or activities for any reasons, including on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, military status, ancestry, or age and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Additionally, it will not discriminate in its employment policies and practices. If you have questio
ns, have witnessed, or have experienced acts of discrimination based on these criteria and wish to express a grievance please contact the following:

District Compliance Officers:

Danielle Leigh, 250 Hall Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921 Ext. 3002

David Reel, 350 Hall Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921, Ext. 2002
Section 504 Coordinator:

Mary Mathews Bebech/Pupil Service Director, 108 Orchard Ave. Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921 Ext. 1001

Public Records Requests:

Amber DeJulio, Treasurer, 108 Orchard Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425,

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