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Board Summary 1 28 19


JANUARY 28, 2019


1. Approved the financial reports for the month of December 2018.

Financial Summary, SM-2, Check Register, Bank Reconciliation

2. Approved the following board meeting minutes:

December 20, 2018 Special Meeting

3. Approved the following 2019 Board of Education Committees:

A. TCTC – Linda Silvidi

B Transportation – Rocky Adams

C. Building & Grounds/Permanent Improvement – Marty Franko

D. Technology – Tony Pantone Jr.

E. Curriculum – Linda Silvidi

F. Athletic Council – Donald Newell

G. Food Service – Raymond W. Soloman

H. Pool – Raymond W. Soloman

4. Approved the TCESC 2018-2019 Certified and Classified Substitute Lists, as updated and submitted.

5. Approved the 2018-2019 HEVSD Classified Sub List, as submitted and updated, as per OAPSE negotiated agreement.

6. Approved the contract between Hubbard Exempted Village School District and Richard Kevern & Associates E-Rate Connection, to manage the 2019-2020 Federal E-Rate Program application process, as submitted.

7. Approved the agreement between Easter Seals and Youngstown Hearing & Speech and HEVSD, through December 31, 2019, as submitted.

8. Approved the second and final reading and re-adoption of Board Policy #2413 (Career Advising).

9. Approved Debbie Ridel, HHS home instruction tutor, grade 9 student, as per posting January 3, 2019.

10. Accepted, with regret, the resignation of Debbie Ridel, for the position of HHS home instruction tutor, grade 9 student, as per posting January 3, 2019, effective January 23, 2019.

11. Approved Debbie Ridel, HHS home instruction tutor, grade 9 student, as per posting January 16, 2019.

12. Approved Karen Cassano, HMS home instruction tutor, grade 7 student, as per posting January 15, 2019.

13. Approved Barb Toth, HMS home instruction tutor, grade 6 student, as per posting January 7, 2019.

14. Approved Nick McGinnis, HMS home instruction tutor, grade 7 student, as per posting January 17, 2019.

15. Approved Luke Stucke, HHS home instruction tutor, grade 9 student, as per posting January 23, 2019.

16. Approved a contract modification for Erika Kopanic, from BA Step 3, to BA+15 Step 3, as per HEA negotiated agreement.

17. Approved the following contract modifications for the following bus drivers, as per OAPSE negotiated agreement:

Melissa Yartz from 3.0 hrs. to 4.0 hrs. Step 1, effective 12/3/18

Renee Lee from 6.0 hrs. to 6.25 hrs., Step 18, effective 1/28/19

Roberta Cornell from 5.75 hrs. to 6.0 hrs., Step 18, effective 1/28/19

18. Approved a one year limited contract for Roger Baker, Custodian, effective January 28, 2019, Step 0, as per posting dated 1-7-19, as per OAPSE negotiated agreement.

19. Approved a one year limited contract for Eric Fisher, Cleaner, effective January 28, 2019, Step 0, as per posting dated 1-7-19, as per OAPSE negotiated agreement.

20. Approved the HHS Course Booklet 2019-2020, as submitted.

21. Accepted, with regret, the resignation of Jessie Jones-Canter, HHS math teacher, at the end of the 2018-2019 school year, as per HEA negotiated agreement.

22. Accepted, with regret, the resignation of Carol Killian, HHS secretary, for the purpose of retirement, effective at the end of the 2018-2019 school year, as per OAPSE negotiated agreement.

23. Title IIA Funds: Approved the following:

$500 stipend for Geneen Morrison, to facilitate a district wide book study,

to be paid from Title IIA funds

$500 stipend for Maggie Slovesko, to facilitate a district wide book study,

to be paid from Title IIA funds

$500 stipend for Robyn Fette, to facilitate a district wide book study,

to be paid from Title IIA funds

Raymond W. Soloman




Notice of Nondiscrimination & Access to Equal Education

The Hubbard Exempted Village School District will not discriminate nor tolerate harassment in its educational programs or activities for any reasons, including on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, military status, ancestry, or age and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Additionally, it will not discriminate in its employment policies and practices. If you have questio
ns, have witnessed, or have experienced acts of discrimination based on these criteria and wish to express a grievance please contact the following:

District Compliance Officers:

Danielle Leigh, 250 Hall Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921 Ext. 3002

David Reel, 350 Hall Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921, Ext. 2002
Section 504 Coordinator:

Mary Mathews Bebech/Pupil Service Director, 108 Orchard Ave. Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921 Ext. 1001

Public Records Requests:

Amber DeJulio, Treasurer, 108 Orchard Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425,

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