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Board Summary 2 24 2020


February 24, 2020

  1. Hubbard Exempted Village School District

1. Approved the financial reports for the month of January 2020.

Financial Summary, SM-2, Check Register, Bank Reconciliation

2. Approved the following board meeting minutes:

January 3rd, 2020 Organizational Meeting

January 27th, 2020 Regular Meeting

3. Accepted, with gratitude, the following donations:

HESPA $250 to HES for 3rd & 4th Grade testing incentives

First Presbyterian Church $300 to the Hubbard Elementary Lunch Program

4. Approved the contract between Hubbard Exempted Village School Districtand Northeast Ohio Management Information Network (NEOMIN), for internet access service effective July 1, 2020, as submitted

5. Approved the TCESC 2019-2020 Certified and Classified Substitute Lists, as updated and submitted.

6. Approved the HEVSD 2019-2020 HEVSD Classified Sub List, as submitted and updated, as per OAPSE negotiated agreement.

7. Approved Shawn Marcello, HES Principal, to coordinate the HES Afterschool Intervention Program, H.E.L.P., (Hubbard Extended Learning Program), for the 2019-2020 school year at a stipend of $750.00, to be paid by Title I funds.

8. Approved Tracie Liptak, HMS Assistant Principal, to coordinate the HMS Afterschool Intervention Program, H.E.L.P., (Hubbard Extended Learning Program), for the 2019-2020 school year at a stipend of $750.00, to be paid by Title I funds.

9. Approved the following staff to implement the HES after school HELP Program for the 2019-2020 school year, to be paid with Title I funds.

Nurse-Erika Kopanic Sub Nurse-Luann Egar

Secretary- Allsion Jordan Sub-Secretary-Alissa Eckard

Teachers Sub Teachers

Lindsey Stanford Michele Maiorano

Deborah Pysher Shannon Berkebile

Anna Morris Suzanne Laird

Gina Slaven

Jessica Richmond

Amy Martin

10. Approved the following staff to implement the HMS after school HELP program for the 2019-2020 school year, to be paid with Title I funds.

Teachers Secretary

Ashely Carter Karen Murphey

Diana Lavaglio

Katie Duchek

Leslie Hess

Diane Glodek

George Lanterman

11. Approved College Credit Plus Memorandum of Understanding between Youngstown State University and HHS for the 2020-2021 academic year, as submitted.

12. Approved College Credit Plus Memorandum of Understanding between Eastern Gateway Community College and HHS for the 2020-2021 academic year, as submitted.

13. Approved Shannon Street (up to 1.0 hr. weekly) & Debbie Ridel (up to 4.0 hrs. weekly) co-HHS Home Instruction Tutors, as per posting dated January 24, 2020.

14. Approved Debbie Ridel, HHS Home Instruction Tutor, as per posting on February 12, 2020.

15. Approved Debbie Ridel, HMS Home Instruction tutor, 7th grade student, as per posting on February 6, 2020.

16. Approved Robin Vaupel, to facilitate the spring district wide book study, to be paid a $500 stipend from Title IIA funds.

17. Approved a contract modification for Charles Polish, bus driver, from 3.5 hours, Step 0 to 3.75 hours, Step 0, effective 1/27/2020, as per OAPSE negotiated agreement.

18. Accepted, with regret, the resignation of Matt Jones, ½ Throwing Coach for the 2019-2020 school year, as per HEA negotiated agreement, effective February 14, 2020.

19. Approved the following coaches for the 2020-2021 season, as per HEA negotiated agreement. All coaches are subject to all required certifications.


Greg Powell Varsity Volleyball Assistant

Emma Dellinger Freshman Volleyball

Tiffany Ditman 8th Grade Volleyball

20. Approved Aaron Wirtz, Head Kraken Swimming Coach, at 17.19 per hour, not to exceed 40 hours per week, effective February 24, 2020 through June 30, 2020. All coaches are subject to all required certifications.

21. Approved the second reading and adoption of the HEVSD 2020-2021 Calendar, as submitted, as per ORC Section 3313.48 (B).

22. Approved the list of prospective graduates from Hubbard High School, the Class of 2020, as submitted.

23. Accepted, with regret, the resignation of Joseph Maldonado, IT Technician, effective March 7, 2020.

24. Approved Tiffany Bendersky’s request for an unpaid leave of absence.

Raymond W. Soloman



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