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HHS Student Announcements 1-7-19



Monday, January 7, 2019

CCP Information: Current sophomores and juniors that are interested in taking College Credit Plus courses NEXT year must have the qualifying ACT scores to be eligible for the program. The February ACT date is the LAST test date that can be used for CCP qualification. That means that you have only the February ACT test date left. It is your responsibility to get signed up for the ACT by the registration deadline.

Seniors - be sure you are checking the FAFSA and scholarship deadlines for the schools you are applying to! (Carsone)

New Castle School of Trades Scholarship Day will be March 9. Registration is at 9:30 am, and testing is at 10:00 am. You must RSVP by March 4 in order to participate - call 1-800-837-8299. Scholarship Day will be held at the New Castle campus - 4117 Pulaski Road New Castle, PA 16101

All Juniors and Seniors interested in Bridge building may sign up with Mrs I Pizanias in room 211. 3 people per group max. (I. Pizanias)

Weight Lifting for football will start today, Jan. 7th at 3:00 PM (Hoffman)

Seniors: Local scholarships have been posted in the website and will be coming out on Remind. Please check deadlines (Haidaris)

Any freshman interested in running for a class officer's position is asked to submit 25 non-repeating signatures to Mrs. Shattuck in Rm. 114 no later that Monday January 14th. The available class positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Class Historian. Please print your name at the top of your signature list along with your desired position. (Shattuck)

There will be a meeting for Sophomore Class Officers on Wednesday, Jan. 9th immediately after school in the Office Conference Room. (Killian)

Attention all Hubbard athletes: if you are interested in participating in Indoor Track & Field, please see Coach Greenamyer in room 117 ASAP for information. (Greenamyer)

Club pictures for the yearbook will be taken on Wednesday, January 23 in the morning.

Attention seniors! Best friend pictures will also be taken on Wednesday, January 23. Forms will be available in room 107 starting today, January 7th . The cost for best friend pictures is $16. A senior must fill out the form and coordinate their group, but underclassmen may be in the photos. There are a limited number of spaces for best friend pictures in the yearbook, so bring your form and payment to Mrs. Schellhorn ASAP! Spaces will go on a first come, first serve basis.

Lunch Menu for Monday, January 7, 2019

Popcorn Chicken



Dinner Roll



Notice of Nondiscrimination & Access to Equal Education

The Hubbard Exempted Village School District will not discriminate nor tolerate harassment in its educational programs or activities for any reasons, including on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, military status, ancestry, or age and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Additionally, it will not discriminate in its employment policies and practices. If you have questio
ns, have witnessed, or have experienced acts of discrimination based on these criteria and wish to express a grievance please contact the following:

District Compliance Officers:

Danielle Leigh, 250 Hall Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921 Ext. 3002

David Reel, 350 Hall Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921, Ext. 2002
Section 504 Coordinator:

Mary Mathews Bebech/Pupil Service Director, 108 Orchard Ave. Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921 Ext. 1001

Public Records Requests:

Amber DeJulio, Treasurer, 108 Orchard Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425,

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