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Hubbard art students decorate the town with holiday murals

Several Hubbard High School art students spent the day before Thanksgiving bringing holiday cheer to the city of Hubbard.

For the last several years, the high school art department has worked to create murals on the windows of the city administration building and on the windows of Shop and Save. This year, art teacher Josh Macmillan and his students chose a Winnie the Pooh theme for Shop and Save. As a thank you, Shop and Save owner Ed DeVine made a generous donation to the school's art and education programs.

“We started around 5:30 in the morning taping up the characters on the outside so it gave us some direction for the illustrations. We added Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore along with a wintry scene of Christmas trees and white snow. When somebody like Mr. Devine reaches out and is able to support the program with this opportunity, it’s a no-brainer for us and our students. We want to give back to the community that gives back to us,” said Josh MacMillan.

After finishing up at Shop and Save, the group made their way to the Hubbard Administration Building, where they jazzed up the windows with another spin on the Winnie the Pooh theme.

“We’re always encouraged by the support of our city, allowing us to add these seasonal pieces of artwork with messages of happiness and joy. Having students like Joya, Phoebe, Chloe, Nick and Astaria helping on this project made it really special. We hope everybody enjoys what we came up with,” said MacMillan.

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