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What is Safer Schools Ohio?
Safer Schools Ohio is a multi-agency effort created to assist schools in continuously improving the safety of our students.  Paramount in this effort is ensuring each school has a strong emergency management plan.


Safety Plans

Schools are comparing their existing plans to a model plan developed by the Attorney General’s School Safety Task Force that outlines the best approaches to keeping kids safe.  State experts, including those in the Department of Public Safety’s Ohio Homeland Security division, review the information and provide guidance to help schools implement best practices and improve their plans.


Reporting to 844-SAFEROH

By calling or texting the statewide anonymous hotline: 844-SAFEROH - you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends or your school.  Public safety officials offer this hotline at no cost to schools as a way for students to report potential suicides, school shootings, bullying or other problems anonymously.

For more information, please visit:

A picture of the Safer Schools Ohio banner.


Notice of Nondiscrimination & Access to Equal Education

The Hubbard Exempted Village School District will not discriminate nor tolerate harassment in its educational programs or activities for any reasons, including on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, military status, ancestry, or age and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Additionally, it will not discriminate in its employment policies and practices. If you have questio
ns, have witnessed, or have experienced acts of discrimination based on these criteria and wish to express a grievance please contact the following:

District Compliance Officers:

Danielle Leigh, 250 Hall Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921 Ext. 3002

David Reel, 350 Hall Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921, Ext. 2002
Section 504 Coordinator:

Mary Mathews Bebech/Pupil Service Director, 108 Orchard Ave. Hubbard, Ohio 44425, 330-534-1921 Ext. 1001

Public Records Requests:

Amber DeJulio, Treasurer, 108 Orchard Ave., Hubbard, Ohio 44425,

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